Please read

RULES *** If my moderator or I (Sushidog) feel uncomfortable with you, I will ban you without notice.
This applies to my discord server too.
ルール・以下に該当する行為をした場合、迷惑行為とみなし、Ban(配信から永久追放)されます。⚡THIS IS MATURE CONTENT
If you are under age you need to close this stream. come back when you are ready. 成人向けのコンテンツとして配信を行っています。未成年者はご遠慮ください!
⚡Do not mention about other streamers unless Sushidog initiates it 他の配信者の名前をコメントに出さないでね!⚡Please either speak 🇯🇵🇺🇸
Please be aware we run a English/Japanese stream. Other language will be hard to moderate for us since we don't fully understand. And I don't teach Japanese. If you can't speak it, please use Eng. Some google translated JP is hard for me to understand 日本語か英語でコメントしてね!他の言語だと悪いこと書いてあってもわからないのです。
⚡DO NOT BEG for sub gifts or any kind of gifts to chat member(instant ban!) コメント欄でギフトサブやアマギフなどの物乞い行為をしないでください。⚡Insulting MODs in any way  モデレーターからの指示・注意には必ず従ってね!⚡doxing yourself and others  晒し行為⚡Self Advertising  自己宣伝行為⚡Talking about self-harm, or other deeply negative experiences  ネガティブな自分語り⚡NO BACK SEATING  配信者に対する指示行為⚡NO SPOILERS  ネタバレ行為⚡Controversial topics 政治・宗教的な話など、個々人によって意見が別れやすい話題を持ちかける行為⚡DO NOT tell me that I missed your comment I cant pick up EVERY comment コメントはすべて読むことはできません。ご了承ください。🟥NOTE🟥
⭐This is MY stream. I DO WHAT I WAN Do not tell me to do this, draw that or fix this. I can't cater to everyone. これは私の配信です!指図行為は他のリスナーの迷惑になりますのでやめてください。
If your message gets ignored DO NOT force me to read it. That stresses me out when people get mad and tell me OH YOU MISSED MY COMMENT!!!Just please move on. We have 6 hours to talk.
⭐No refunds of channel points
🌲 We have enough MOD🌲
The MODs and I decides to take care of business like that and do not ask to join the mod team.